Posts Tagged ‘Dwight Thompson’

God Will Outlast Your Storm – written by Zonelle Thompson August 2023

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Dear Partner,

I want to tell you of one of the darkest experiences of my life…..I AWOKE ONE MORNING TOTALLY BLIND!

Needless to say, I was hit with confusion and fear! Within hours we were in an
eye doctor’s office. But after hours of examination, he was without an answer as to the

Dwight took me home and carried me into the house and laid me on the bed.
We cried… and we prayed… and we held each other. FOR MONTHS THERE WAS NO SIGHT…

Walking was not possible without help, and Vertigo was a daily struggle! After
many eye specialists had done all they could do… even after two separate cornea
surgery transplants and various other treatments, I struggled with almost no vision for

There were times during the night when I was in severe pain in my one eye that
had experienced the surgeries.

God bless doctors who are dedicated to helping hurting people….But I know the real healer is Jesus!!

I would lay in bed thinking about Jesus who is at the right handof the Father and was praying for me. Romans 8:34 He shares our feelings and gives us help and grace in our times of need! That thought would comfort me…knowing that God’s Word is truth and the final authority. And we can rest in that knowledge!!!

At times I would wonder what would have become of me during these trying
times, if I had not believed that I would see the goodness of God in an overwhelming
way in my lifetime.

Psalms 27:13 The Spirit of God will take hold WITH YOU against weakness.


This is what I called “A very difficult time”… but my Father God was right there
with me! Jesus said… “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20


After 9 years… I can now SEE my husband in the room with me! Whatever your need is today, please write us. Let Dwight and me stand in agreement with you. “Our God and Savior, Jesus Christ, is a very present help in time of need.” Psalms 46:1

Looking forward to hearing from you. We love you,


P. S. Jesus said in Matthew 18:20… “Where two or three are gathered together in my name there
am I among them.” JUST THINK… We pray WITH each other and we pray FOR each other, and
Jesus is at the right hand of the Father praying for us!

Jesus prayed for all of his disciples. That’s why when we ask you to send in your prayer requests
and let us be in agreement with you for God’s answer in prayer for your life, we are believing with
you for the victory!

We love and appreciate you so much!! Thank you for your prayers and support. We are honored
to have you as a friend and partner in this ministry.

God Has a Destiny For Your Life

God Has a Destiny For Your Life

It’s in Christ that we find out who we are, and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone.” Ephesians 1:11 (msg)

There is one thing we can be absolutely sure of, and that is, God has a wonderful plan and design for our lives. That plan was put into effect long before we had ever heard of Jesus Christ. This plan is packed with love and peace, jammed packed with adventure, joy and total fulfillment. This plan is glorious in its design and everything in our lives must work to accomplish God’s fixed intent.

Many will seek out God’s will, while others through their own desire will go another direction. God will allow us to seek our own will. God will even allow us to make harmful decisions that will put us on a fast track going in the wrong direction. The consequences of wrong choices can be painful and even permanent. No matter how far you run or how hard you try to have it “your way,” God is a patient God. You will never go so far that his love will not reach you.

I recall as a teenager packing my car and announcing to my parents, “I want to go live my life.” My mother said to me: “You can run as fast as you want and as far as you please, but you will never go so far that my love and prayers will not find you.” Thank God for my praying, loving mother and father… or I would not be here today.

God will not withhold any resource to fulfill his destiny for your life, but he will not violate your right to choose. “The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me.” Psalms 138:8 (NIV)

When I was a teenager, I had an opportunity to work for a missionary group in Mexico. This was a group of pilots who had small planes. They would fly into remote areas of Mexico and drop Christian literature over these small villages. Many of these villages were in mountainous areas and places where no automobiles would go. They were called “Air Mail From God.”

A wonderful man that attended my father’s church actually rebuilt a small two-seated plane. This plane as I recall, was a Stinson L5. It was a plane that was used during WWII as a reconnaissance over enemy territory. My job was to sit in the back seat and throw out the literature over the villages. It really was a sight to see. It would remind you of those big ticker tape parades you see in New York. The people in the village would run out into the streets and wave at us. They were always so excited to see us.

We would then land the plane in a field or any place where the ground looked flat. After landing, we would stay in the village for a few days and have a soul-winning crusade. Other pilots would follow and the people wee just wonderful and so grateful for us spending some time with them. I would sing the song: “How Great Thou Art.” Even though I could not speak Spanish, that song caught on very quickly. Just to re-live it now is so inspiring. The people would raise their hands and soon were singing along with me in their own beautiful Spanish language.

As a teenager, this was very thrilling to me, and it was also very dangerous. But when you are a boy, you don’t give much time thinking about the risk. It was just fun! This plane did not have a starter. I would stand in front of the plane and spin the prop. You might have to do this several times before the engine would cough and sputter and finally start. It was all part of my job.

I recall the little compass on the dash of the plane. It wasn’t very reliable. We took off out of macadam Field in Fort Worth, Texas and our destination for the first day was Laredo, Texas. Another challenge was to stay warm in that little plane. Each time we stopped, I would build a fire and throw two bricks into it. Then I would wrap them in a blanket and that kept my feet from going numb, because the temperature was so cold flying in that high of altitude.

On three or four occasions, the carburetor would freeze over and the engine would stop. While that was exciting to me, it wasn’t to the pilot. I recall him praying loudly and yelling to me to look for a place that was flat so that we could set the plane down. On one such emergency landing, we took some branches out of the top of a tree.

How many of us even now as look back and recall many “close calls” in our lives. We walked away from that near disaster and wonder why we survived. There is no doubt that these “close calls” are more than “luck” as the unbeliever might conclude. Nor can we be so flippant that it just “wasn’t our day to die. God’s purpose for our lives must never be taken lightly. Every “tap on the shoulder,” every “close call,” every “wake up call,” that you have “dismissed” so easily, was very likely God’s attempt to get you back on course.

“Behold I stand at the door and knock. If any many will open the door, I will come in.” Revelations ??? Each time we neglect his appeal, each time we ignore his knock at the door of our hearts, we will continue on the path of our own choosing, not his.

Back to my story… On my preparation for my second missionary journey to Mexico, I recall vividly my mother’s concern. While I was putting my duffle bag into my car, my mother put her arms around me and was praying for my safety. She abruptly stopped in the middle of her prayer and said to me: “Dwight, I don’t have peace in my spirit about this trip.” She continued her prayer with these words: “Lord, protect Dwight and block anything that might prevent your will for his life being fulfilled.” I kissed my mother goodbye and she stood there waving at me and blowing me a kiss. Oh, how I thank God, for my precious praying mother and father! Without their love, patience and prayers, this story would have a much different ending.

I stowed my duffle bag in the plane. Just as we were making final flight checks, a pastor walked over to me along with the pilot and explained to me something that would alter the course of my life. He said to me that the Lord instructed him to go on this trip and would I mind if he could take my place. I respected his request and went back home. A few days later, their plane crashed and both of them were killed.

I’ve thought about that tragedy many times. Why did God spare my life? Both of those men loved God and were committed to his will for their lives. Other events that were “close calls” have happened in my life, and yet, because God’s purpose for my life, is to be fulfilled. “… With your own powerful arm you keep me safe.” Psalms 138:7 (CEV)

I am deeply humbled and most unworthy for our God’s mercy. Let me repeat it again, God has a plan for your life. His design, his purposes and his will must become the top priority for each of us. Anything that is hindering his purpose must be dealt with and removed with all speed. Seek the Lord, ask the Holy Sprit to go into the secret places of our hearts and cleanse us. Only God’s destiny for your life will allow you to really enjoy the journey.

Encouragement For The Journey: Journey of Life

Encouragement For The Journey: Journey of Life

“I say this because I know what I am planning for you,” says the LORD. “I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NCV

Along this “Journey of Life” as you have stood with me in reaching the lost, I want to stand with YOU that everything God has planned for YOU will be fulfilled: your health, your home, your family, your finances, your dreams, and your God-ordained purpose.

“I say this because I know what I am planning for you,” says the LORD. “I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NCV

In this letter of encouragement to you, I feel compelled by the Holy Spirit to focus on you, my precious and loyal partners and friends of this ministry.
First of all, REST IN THIS PROMISE: “I have carried you since you were born. I have taken care of you from your birth. Even when you are old, I will be the same. Even when your hair has tuned gray, I will take care of you. I made you and will take care of you.” Isaiah 46:3-4 NCV

There is one thing you can count on as an absolute truth: GOD’S PLAN AND PURSPOSE FOR YOUR LIFE WAS SET IN MOTION EVEN BEFORE YOU WERE BORN…..long before your parents were born….long before your grandparents were born…God’s plan for you was already set in motion. WOW!!! Let that thought sink in! HALLELUJAH!

When I was a teenager, I had an opportunity to work for a missionary group in Mexico. This was a group of pilots who had small planes. They would fly into remote areas of Mexico and drop Christian literature over these small villages. Many of these villages were in mountainous areas and places where no automobiles could go. They were called: Airmail from God.

My job was to sit in the back seat and throw out the literature over the villages. The people in the villages would run out into the streets and wave at us. They were always so excited to see us. After landing, we would stay in villages for a few days and have a soul-winning crusade.

As a teenager, this missionary opportunity was very thrilling to me….and it was also dangerous! But when you are a boy, you don’t give much time thinking about the risk. It was just fun. Since this place did not have a starter, I would stand in front of the plane and spin the prop. Sometimes, I would have to do this several times before the engine would cough and the sputter would finally start. It was all part of the Job.

On three or four occasions, when we were flying, the carburetor would freeze over and the engine would stop. While that was exciting to me, it wasn’t to the pilot. I recall him praying loudly and yelling at me to look for a place that was flat so we could set this plane down. On one such emergency landing we took some branches out of the top of a tree.

On my preparation for my second missionary journey to Mexico, I recall vividly my mother’s concern. While I was putting my duffle back into the car, my mother put her arms around me and was praying for my safety. She abruptly stopped in the middle of her prayer and said to me, “Dwight, I don’t have peace in my spirit about this trip.” She continued her prayer with these words, “Lord, protect Dwight and block anything that might prevent your will for his life from being fulfilled.” I kissed my mother goodbye and she stood there waving at me and blowing me a kiss. Oh how I thank God for my precious praying mother and father. Without their love, patience and prayers this story would have a much different ending.

I stowed my duffle bad into the plane. Just as we were making the final flight checks, a pastor walked over to me along with the pilot and explained to me something that would alter the course of my life. He said to me that the Lord instructed him to go on this trip and would I mind if he took my place. I respected his request and went back home. A few days later, their plan crashed and both were killed.

I’ve thought about that tragedy many times. Both of these men loved God and were committed to His will for their lives. Why did God spare MY life?
How many of you even now can look back and recall many “close calls” in your lives? You walk away from that near disaster and wonder why you survived. Many people have told me of the escapes from serious accidents that could have certainly been fatal, yet look back on it now and realize it was truly a miracle.

There is no doubt that these close calls are more than “luck” as the unbeliever might conclude. Nor can we be so flippant to say, “It wasn’t our day to die.” It is very important that we step back and take these “close calls” as “wake-up calls.” God’s purpose for our lives must never be taken lightly.
“Behold I stand at the door and knock. If any man will open the door, I will come in….” Each time we neglect His appeal…each time we ignore His knock at the door of our hearts….we continue on the path of our own choosing…not His.

There will always be events that happen that we can’t completely understand, and there have been other events in my life that were “close calls”, but God’s purpose for my life is yet to be fulfilled. “With your own powerful arm you keep me safe.” Psalm 138:7 CEV
As of this writing I am in my 50th year of preaching the glorious Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am deeply humbled and most unworthy of our God’s mercy. Let me repeat it again: GOD HAS A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE….His design, His purpose and His will must become the top priority of each of us. Anything that is hindering His purpose must be dealt with and removed with all speed.

Seek the Lord. Ask the Holy Spirit to go into the secret places of our hearts and cleanse us. Even things in our lives that we are blinded to…ask Him to show you and then remove it.

“Though I am surrounded by troubled, you will bring me safely through them….” Psalm 138:7


Let me pray for you right now: Father, in Jesus’ Holy name, I pray for your divine and perfect will to be done in my precious partners of this ministry. Anything that prevents the fulfillment of your plan for their lives, remove it in Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

Happy Birthday Zonelle! A Wonderful Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother

Happy Birthday Zonelle! A Wonderful Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother

Happy Birthday Zonelle Thompson!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Zonelle truly is a wondeful wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother and most important, woman of God. Zonelle has a true heart for the lost and has dedicated her life to serving the Lord through her ministry of being a loving wife for 50 years, supporting Dwight in his evangilism for 52 years, starting Operation Stitches, and being a Godly example for her family. Although the Thompson family is spread through out the United States, her children, and grandchildren want to wish her a very happy birthday! Below of some loving words for Zonelle on her Birthday!

“Mimi, I will always cherish the time I’ve spent with you. Your wisdom, your honesty, your virtues are not to be forgotten. You have taught me so many lessons without using words. Watching you as I have grown up, I have seen Gods undeniable calling and anointing upon your life. I admire your obedience an passion to grow in our Lord to give up your human dreams for heavens dreams.. I thank you for being a mighty example to me an I love you more than I can describe.” –Cody Boy

“Mimi I love you so much words cannot describe how meaningful you are too me, you have made such a big impact on my life” -Corey

“Mimi I love your style you are a great grandmother happy birthday” -Maddie

“Mimi you are a amazing woman and someone I want to be like when I’m older thank you for always being there for me and giving me Godly advice. Love you!! “-Carissa

“Mom, you have been such a incredible mother, I couldn’t have handpicked a better one! I appreciate everything you have done for our family. Thank you for always being there for any of us. I love you with all my heart. Happy Birthday!” -Dwinelle

“Today in this world we have Political leaders that give empty promises, Hollywood celebrities that run crooked charities on issues that hold no baring on human life. Mimi you have traveled to the ends of the earth to hold children dying of disease and malnutrition. You have build schools in India and Africa to educate the youth. Feed and clothed the homeless, and more importantly you have stood up strong and proclaimed to the world that Jesus Christ is the one true God. The example you have been not only with the wisdom you have spoke but how you live your life from the moment you wake to the second you fall asleep. I love you with all my heart and could not imagine a greater Grandmother in my wildest dreams!!!” -Chad

“You are a beautiful mother-n –law, grandmother and now great grandmother. We are all so blessed and thank you for all your love. Happy Birthday!” -Gina

“MOM, 3 powerful letters, If you turn them upside down it spells WOW!!!
An adjective, to strongly express about her kindness,thoughtfulness,beauty and love. That is my MOM.” – Love Your Son, Dwight jr

“Happy Birthday Mimi, we are so very blessed to have you as our grandmother. You have always strengthened us with your prayers and making sure that we trust God in all things. Thank you for being a true example of a Godly woman, blessed wife, loving mother and grandmother. It is amazing that she has so many grandchildren and has made us all feel loved in our own unique way without favoring one over the other. Mimi, you rock! I love you so bad.” – Austin

“Mimi, I am so blessed to know you. You truly are a warrior for God and I am honored to be your new granddaughter!” – Savannah

“Mimi, you are a wonderful example for your family and we all look up to you greatly. You show us how to live for the glory of The Lord and I thank you for that.” – Dalton

“Happy Birthday Mimi! You are such an inspiration in my life and I praise God for your strong love for Him. You are one strong women who loves the Lord and works hard to live out the calling on your life. Thank you for your obedience to Him. Through that, you have not only touch millions of lives through ministry, but have made a eternal impact on your family tree. Thank you for being a trust prayer warrior and never ceasing to pray for your family. You are such a beautiful person on the inside and out and your joy for the Lord radiates to ALL you come in contact with. Thank you for being such a blessing to so many lives. I pray you are blessed on this wonderful day!” -Alexa

“I was never able to meet my grandparents growing up and always wished I had that opportunity. Spending time with you and Dwight, I finally know what it feels like to have the love and joy of grandparents (you both are really hip grandparents). I love you so much and wish you an extraordinary for an extraordinary lady. I look forward to your visit to North Carolina. You have shown me more love than you will ever know. Happy Birthday Mimi.” -Jaco

“Zonelle, you are more beautiful than ever. I have never known any one who loves church and God more than you do. You are even going to church on your birthday. You have a true heart for the lost. Your life is true evidence of a Godly wife and women who has great compassion for souls. You love love going to church and I am thankful for you. Happy birthday my beautiful wife!” – Your Husband, Dwight

Happy Birthday Mimi! WE LOVE YOU.

Your Dream Will Live On

Your Dream Will Live On

If your dream is from God, it will live forever. Men may die, but dreams live on. Here is a story to illustrate this point:

Fourteen years ago in the month of May, I preached a revival in Louisville, Kentucky. One day, Waymon Rogers, the pastor said, “Dwight, get in the car with me. I want to take you somewhere.”

I got in the car and we went to a beautiful place near the Interstate, consisting of about one hundred acres of land. Pastor Rogers said, “Dwight, can you see it? We’re going to put a great church right here…a lake right here to baptize people….” And he went on and on.

Sunday morning, a week later, the headlines of the local newspaper read that the bonding company which was issuing the bonds for this church went bankrupt, and everything they had crumbled. I received the news that morning from the headlines of the Sunday morning paper of Louisville.

On Sunday night we did something. We came to the little church where they were worshipping (about 1,100 people) and we all got in our cars and drove out to where the foundation had just been laid.

The construction had stopped. We all had candles in our hands. And instead of cursing the darkness, we lit a candle. Candles are like dreams. If you will keep them lit, they will keep on burning.

All of us stood around the foundation. And fourteen years ago we put our candles in a little paper bag with sand in it, which made a pretty glow, and set them down.

Fourteen years have gone by since then. I was back there recently, and at 11:00 on Saturday night, I heard a knock at the door of my hotel. I opened the door and it was pastor Waymon Rogers. He said, “Dwight, how are you?”

I said, “I’m alright Brother Rogers, how are you?”

He said, “I want to show you something. Come go with me.”

He drove me around those one hundred acres. Now, where the candles once burned, a dream had come to pass. A church that seats nearly four thousand people now stood on that land.

It was nearly one o’clock in the morning, and we were walking across the church grounds. The glory of God started to come down, and he began to talk about his dream. He talked about Prayer Mountain that he built. He talked about this and he talked about that. It was now 1:30, on Saturday night (now Sunday morning), I had to preach in four hours, and the man was still talking about his dream!

Five months ago, Rev. Waymon Rogers went home to be with the Lord. He had a premonition about his death…better than that, I think the Lord told him about it.

He called all of his men together (100 men) at a barbecue, and said, “Men, now I’m sixty-one years old, and as far as I know I’m in pretty good health. But I feel like the Lord spoke to me and told me to tell you that He may call me home anytime, and if He does, I don’t want any power struggle in this church. You talk about it, and decide now, and when it happens, this transition will be smooth.” They all, 100%, voted in the pastor’s son, Bob Rogers, to carry on the dream.

Shortly thereafter, on a Wednesday night, he lay down in his bed and awoke in glory. Two days later, they had his funeral. The following Sunday, Bob Rogers, forty years old, assumed the role to carry on the vision.

I was back in Louisville, after Rev. Waymon Rogers went to be with the Lord, for another service. At the end of the service, Bob Rogers took me aside and said, “I’ve got to tell you something, I was mad at my dad. And I told God, ‘God, I’m mad at my dad.'”

“God said to me, ‘Why are you mad at him?'”

“I said, ‘Because he fired me some time ago.'”

“Then God said, ‘Don’t be mad at him. I’m the one who told him to fire you. He was just following instructions…I sent you out there on your own, because you’ve got a job to do, and a dream to fulfill.'”

God sent Bob Rogers out on his own, out to the back side of the desert. But the day came when he was prepared to assume the role, and pick up the mantle.

With reflection in his voice, Bob continued, “Dwight, on Saturday before the funeral, I went to the funeral home by myself and I told the funeral director I wanted in.”

“The funeral director said, ‘That’s fine, come on in.'”

Bob went in beside his dad in that coffin and said to the funeral director, “I don’t want to upset you, but I’m going to raise him from the dead.”

“The funeral director said, ‘What?'”

“I’m going to pray for him, and God will raise him up from the dead.”

So Bob Rogers began to pray for his father, for a couple of hours, and the Lord didn’t raise him up. When he walked outside, his mother was waiting for him. She said, “Son, there’s something I forgot to tell you. Just before your daddy died, he said, ‘I’m not worried about the dream being fulfilled, because when I go home, my dream will live on. But Fern, when I die, there is going to be somebody that will come along and will want to raise me from the dead. Tell them not to waste their time. I’ve already made a better deal with God!'”

She concluded, “Son, don’t feel so bad, he already told God he’s not coming back, so you will carry on the dream.”

Bob Rogers took over where his father left off. Waymon Rogers brought the church to a certain place, and now his son has caught his vision and the church is growing even greater.

When you have a dream and you put it into the hands of God, men may die…YOU may die…but if it is of God, the dream is going to live on forever. No one can take away your dream without your permission. No demon in hell, nor any force out of the regions of the damned can destroy it unless you relinquish it.

A Loud Life

A Loud Life

People know what you are by what they see, not what they hear.

When Wycliffe translator Doug Meland and his wife moved into a village of Brazil’s Fulnio Indians, he was referred to simply as “the white man.” The term was by no means complimentary, since other white men had exploited them of their lands.

But after the Melands learned the Fulnio language and began to help the people with medicine and in other ways, they began calling Doug “the respectable white man.”

When the Melands began adapting the customs of the people, the Fulnio gave them greater acceptance and spoke of Doug “the white Indian.”

Then one day, as Doug was washing the dirty blood-caked foot of an injured Fulnio boy, he overheard a by-stander say to another: “Whoever heard of a white man washing an Indian’s foot before? Certainly this man is from God!” From that day on, whenever Doug would go into an Indian home, it would be announced: “Here comes the man God sent us.”

St. Francis of Assisi one day said to several of his followers, “Let us go to the village over the way and preach.” As they went, they met a humble pedestrian who was greatly burdened. Francis was in no hurry and listened carefully to his tale of woe.

When the village was reached, Francis talked with the shopkeepers, spent time with the farmers at their fruit and vegetable stalls, and played with the children in the streets. On the way back they met a farmer with a load of hay, and Francis spent time with him.

The morning gone, the group reached the monastery from where they had set out in the early morning.

One of the followers, who was greatly disappointed, said to Francis, “Brother Francis, you said you were going to preach. The morning is spent and no sermon has been given.”

And the saintly Francis replied, “But we have been preaching all the way.”
– Prairie Overcomer

Enjoy the Jouney: Encouraging News From Our Granddaughter Alexa

Enjoy the Jouney: Encouraging News From Our Granddaughter Alexa

Our prayer is for God to lead and guide our children and grandchildren.

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go;

I will counsel you with my eyes upon you.”  Psalm 32:8

 Our granddaughter, Alexa, and her husband, Jaco, are on a journey called…  Life.  They have asked God to guide them each step they take.  I asked Alexa to post this report here on our website.  I know it will encourage you, as it has us.

We have always prayed these Scriptures over our children and grandchildren:

Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”

We proudly share a short newsletter written by our granddaughter Alexa on their new journey:

(You can click here to view the official pdf Newsletter with images or read the text below)


  The Gerbrands Upcoming Adventure!

by Alexa Gerbrands

Hello family and friends, Alexa here. July 27, 2007 I came across a quote when deciding if I should take a risk in moving to Florida to attend Fort Myers Masters Commission. That day my mom took me to Berean Book store to buy a new Bible and devotion. I was torn on whether or not I should pursue FMMC or a University. I knew one day I would earn my BA degree; however, I had a feeling that God was calling me to Biblical Studies at this season of my life. While browsing the bookstore with my mom, I was stressing to her my worries about making the wrong decision. My mom told me to trust God to speak to me on my decision to stay or go. At this point in my life I had never really stopped to listened to God and I was not sure how that would happen, but I was hopeful.

That afternoon I was browsing around the bookstore and picked up a random devotion called Streams in the Desert by L.B Cowen. I flipped to the day, July 27th. It started with Malachi 3:10, “Test me in this…..and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have enough room for it.” That verse captured my attention, so I continued reading…..The devotion talked about God’s ability to perform far beyond our prayers, even our greatest prayers. Then the quote came that was so simple, yet is still brought to my attention daily. “I have asked for a cupful, while He owns the entire ocean! I have asked for one simple ray of light, while He holds the sun! My best asking falls measurably short of my Father’s ability to give, which is far beyond what we could ever ask for,” John Henry Jowett.

You see, this is the moment that I knew no matter how much I tried to plan my life and come up with these radical plans to live for Christ and walk serving Him, my prayers do not even measure up to the plan God already has for me. As many of you know Jaco and I just celebrated our first year of marriage…that’s right marriage! I married the man of my dreams. God came through, once again, and gave me someone that is far more than I could have even imagined and I am so blessed.

Jaco and I currently live in Grand Junction Colorado and love everything about this small relaxed town. Last month I graduated from Colorado Mesa University with my BA in Mass Communication, Public Relations and Advertising. I chose this degree years ago with the goal to work for a non-profit missions organization.

This past year Jaco has been working hard as the Assistant Tennis Coach of CMU, along with many other jobs such as painting, tiling and anything else he can get his hands on. I am so blessed that he took a year off to wait for me to finish my degree before he pursues his goal of earning a Master’s in Exercise Science. While I studied away, Jaco worked hard researching schools that offer his area of study. He narrowed a few schools down and applied. For those of you who have a Master’s you know that process is not easy. Although Jaco was accepted to the schools he applied to, only one came out a winner.

During the application process we always joked about moving to this certain town and looking back now God had given us the answer from the beginning. When Jaco told me he decided to attend Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. I was so excited because that is the place the Lord had already laid on my heart. Knowing nothing about this town I was excited to follow my husband and support his decision. When I told my dad that about our decision, I will admit I was very sad seeing as we are moving to the opposite side of the country. But, my dad reacted with great excitement. He said, “Alexa, do you have any idea what organization is in Boone? I responded with a laugh, “No… I know nothing about Boone.” He began to tell me that Samaritan’s Purse is located in Boone, NC.

From that moment I teared up and knew that our faithful God was up to something. What are the chances that a dream organization of mine would be in this small town we were moving to? So, a few months ago I started researching and applying for jobs at Samaritan’s Purse and sure enough on June 8th I received a phone call and accepted the job as a Media Relations Associate. I start July 17th! I would like to say that I am shocked but that would be a lie. I know God gave me a desire to work for an organization just like SP back in 2007, during my time at Fort Myers Master Commission. The moment my dad told me SP was located in Boone I knew that I would be their future employee.

It is easy to have confidence in the Lord when we realize that his plans are so much bigger than our own. Life with Christ is the most fulfilling, unbelievable adventure and I am so humbled to be moving into this next chapter of Jaco’s life and mine. So the news is out…..We are moving to Boone, North Carolina this July! Jaco will be attending grad school at Appalachian State University where he will be studying Kinesiology with a focus in Exercise Science and I will be working full time under Franklin Graham at Samaritan’s Purse on the Media Relations team!

We are so humbled by the Lord’s hand on our lives and especially our marriage. This first year of marriage has been such a wonderful learning experience in our relationship with eachother and especially the Lord. It is a beautiful thing knowing the more we focus on the Lord the closer He brings us together. Jaco and I are so thankful that we were raised by parents who showed us the importance of a Christ centered marriage. We trust the Lord with this umcoming move for He does immeasurably more than we could ever dream of.

We are looking forward to the great outdoors of North Carolina and this new chapter in our lives. Thank you for your love, support and most important, your prayers!

In Christ,

Jaco and Alexa Gerbrands

Episodes of Praise the Lord

Episodes of Praise the Lord

Watch the latest epsisodes of Dwight Thompson hosting Praise the Lord on TBN.

Dallas, TX. Dwight Thompson hosts Pastors Richard Ford and Tena Ford from Family Worship Center, Pastor Darlene Bishop from Solid Rock Church, Musician/Preacher/ Pro Rodeo Cowboy Lawrence Bishop II from Solid Rock Church and music by Aaron Crabb and Amanda Crabb.

Click here to watch Praise the Lord Hosted by Dwight Thompson.

Be Yourself

Be Yourself

Be yourself

When you witness to others about Jesus Christ, you will run into some people who will have objections or questions.

Suppose you want to talk to someone about being born again, and they say to you, “Not now—some other time.” How do you answer this objection?

Here are some Scriptures that will help you. When they say, “Not now, some other time,” read from Proverbs 27:1: “Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.”

Hebrews 3:15: “While it is yet today, if you will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.”

Luke 12:19: “And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee, then whose shall those things be which thou has provided?”

With God, Time Is Of The Essence

Use these verses of Scriptures to encourage them to make that commitment to the Lord right now.

You might also want to have this verse of Scripture that I think is very important: Isaiah 55:6, “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near.”

Try to encourage them to realize that God’s time is RIGHT NOW!

I found out that I was putting on some kind of religions facade, it was sort of a mask in some ways, to get up behind the pulpit and suddenly sound religious, as opposed to just being me.

I found out that I can’t be Billy Graham, because God called Billy Graham to be Billy Graham. I just have to be me. I found out that just being Dwight Thompson was the best thing to be because that was all I was.

Just be sincere! Paul said in Philippians 1:10, “That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ.”

I want you who are reading this just to be yourself. You’re really super! God had a wonderful idea when He made you, so don’t try to be someone else – just be yourself.

You will influence someone that will never listen to me. I could never reach them but YOU CAN! Let that personality just come out and be yourself, because people will listen to you.

A New Person

A New Person

Second Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

When you accept Christ, YOU ARE A NEW PERSON. Your concept, your understanding has changed. You now realize that God and the Bible are right, and that you have been wrong.

You have made the adjustment and you have confessed that you were wrong and that God was right…and this is REPENTANCE (which simply means… a change of mind). You have been transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Romans 12:2 says, “And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, an perfect will of God.”

Now you have a brand new idea about life and death. “To live is Christ; to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21).

You have new attitudes toward others. No longer is there hate, but now you are motivated by love for others. Now, you are not afraid to live and to love, and to be loved.