Update from Zonelle – We Will See Miracles

Update from Zonelle – We Will See Miracles

It has been almost 6 weeks now since my SECOND cornea transplant…

Almost 11 months after the FIRST transplant, an infection attacked that cornea. The doctors had no answers as to why it happened; it was just something no one had any control over. And it was very disheartening that, once again, I needed to walk this difficult road of another transplant and a long recovery period.

But thanks to the prayers of our wonderful partners and friends and family, this second transplant healing and recovery has been very different than the first. In less than six weeks from the operation, I am ACTUALLY beginning to see people and things up close. This is something that never happened after the first transplant.


This morning when I woke up, my heart was overwhelmed with gratitude and thankfulness for what God has done through this two-year journey. I am not completely to the end, but I can SEE the end.

I am so happy and grateful to God for His faithfulness, and to you who have stood with us through this uncertain and life-changing journey. God is answering prayer, and I am believing for complete eyesight in the very near future.

Your diligence in standing with us has meant more to me, than I could possibly express. And from the bottom of my heart, I say “Thank you!”

Dwight and I want to stand with YOU on any need you or your family are facing. We strongly believe in agreeing together in prayer. Matthew 18:19: “If two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” Psalms 46:1: “God is our very present help in time of trouble.”

As we continue to stand together in prayer, we WILL see miracles!

God bless you, and I love you,


5 Responses

  1. Asha Shani says:

    Hi Zonelle,
    It seems like it’s been decades..you probably don’t remember me but I was with you on several occasions taking Stitches to the projects..
    Didn’t know you were battling with your eyes but glad to hear you can SEE the end of this. Our God is faithful !
    Just want you to know I love you with the love of the Lord Jesus and will always be grateful for you providing the opportunity for me to serve in that capacity. Prayerfully we’ll have an opportunity to catch up in His timing. Manifold Blessings and Healing. To His Glory! Asha Shani

  2. Praise God! I just read the update on Sister Zonelle vision on your website. Praise The Lord!! I’m so happy for her and for the both of you. I have asked God and still pray for 100% healing for her vision. Thank you for all you have done, all you do for the Body of Christ. And thank you so much for praying for my last family members, lost co-workers, and lost neighbors. I love to see you on TBN. God Bless you and your ministry and Zonelle’s eyesight, in Jesus Name. Sincerely, Vanessa Brooks

  3. Todd Bailey says:

    Nahum 1:9
    This affliction shall not arise upon you a second time in Jesus Name.

    Be encouraged this Easter weekend….some called it Resurrection Sunday. God did not only raised Christ from the grave….He wants to resurrect areas in your life too.

    This is an excerpt of Rev Rick Renner’s teaching from Romans 8:11.

    The word “quicken” is the Greek word zoopoieo, from the word zoe and poieo. The word zoe is the Greek word for life, and it often describes the life of God. The word poieo means to do. When these two words are compounded together, it means to make alive with life. It carries the idea to revitalize, to rejuvenate, or to refresh with new life!

    This means that if you will yield to the Holy Spirit who dwells in you, He will supernaturally revitalize you. He will rejuvenate you. He will refresh you with a brand-new surge of supernatural life. He will fill you with so much resurrection power that you will be ready to get up and go again!

  4. Renee Canfield says:

    Zonelle! God bless You! So faithful You are….in Your marriage and Your walk with God! You are so beautiful and SO glad God has healed You completely!

    Love In Him and prayers/blessings!

    HE IS SO GOOD!!!

    Praise Him!!

  5. NancyPilato says:

    I am also a special friend. Of Jen mail. I saw you on Her show tonight and cried.. I wondered what had happened to Dwight’s ministry. You have a wonderful godly man.. My husband and I were saved about the same time. And I look a little bit like you. We have been married for 63 years this year too. But we haven’t been together for about 15. He proclaims to be a Christian, but he is never really. Take care of me period period we lost our daughter, thischeer of mental illness and I was devastated but he wasn’t. I have turned my cheek so many times with him. But he says I’m the ungodly I live at Christian retreat in Bradenton, Florida, that’s what I have met Jen and we bonded togetsir. I am so happy for you. I have never had that kind of a husband. That even cared at times about me. He said he did but never showed it. I bet to support myself. Also I am so grateful to watch You tonight with Jen. My prayers are with you, you are a blessing.

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