Posts Tagged ‘zonelle thompson’

God Will Outlast Your Storm – written by Zonelle Thompson August 2023

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Dear Partner,

I want to tell you of one of the darkest experiences of my life…..I AWOKE ONE MORNING TOTALLY BLIND!

Needless to say, I was hit with confusion and fear! Within hours we were in an
eye doctor’s office. But after hours of examination, he was without an answer as to the

Dwight took me home and carried me into the house and laid me on the bed.
We cried… and we prayed… and we held each other. FOR MONTHS THERE WAS NO SIGHT…

Walking was not possible without help, and Vertigo was a daily struggle! After
many eye specialists had done all they could do… even after two separate cornea
surgery transplants and various other treatments, I struggled with almost no vision for

There were times during the night when I was in severe pain in my one eye that
had experienced the surgeries.

God bless doctors who are dedicated to helping hurting people….But I know the real healer is Jesus!!

I would lay in bed thinking about Jesus who is at the right handof the Father and was praying for me. Romans 8:34 He shares our feelings and gives us help and grace in our times of need! That thought would comfort me…knowing that God’s Word is truth and the final authority. And we can rest in that knowledge!!!

At times I would wonder what would have become of me during these trying
times, if I had not believed that I would see the goodness of God in an overwhelming
way in my lifetime.

Psalms 27:13 The Spirit of God will take hold WITH YOU against weakness.


This is what I called “A very difficult time”… but my Father God was right there
with me! Jesus said… “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20


After 9 years… I can now SEE my husband in the room with me! Whatever your need is today, please write us. Let Dwight and me stand in agreement with you. “Our God and Savior, Jesus Christ, is a very present help in time of need.” Psalms 46:1

Looking forward to hearing from you. We love you,


P. S. Jesus said in Matthew 18:20… “Where two or three are gathered together in my name there
am I among them.” JUST THINK… We pray WITH each other and we pray FOR each other, and
Jesus is at the right hand of the Father praying for us!

Jesus prayed for all of his disciples. That’s why when we ask you to send in your prayer requests
and let us be in agreement with you for God’s answer in prayer for your life, we are believing with
you for the victory!

We love and appreciate you so much!! Thank you for your prayers and support. We are honored
to have you as a friend and partner in this ministry.

Happy Birthday Zonelle! A Wonderful Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother

Happy Birthday Zonelle! A Wonderful Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother

Happy Birthday Zonelle Thompson!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Zonelle truly is a wondeful wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother and most important, woman of God. Zonelle has a true heart for the lost and has dedicated her life to serving the Lord through her ministry of being a loving wife for 50 years, supporting Dwight in his evangilism for 52 years, starting Operation Stitches, and being a Godly example for her family. Although the Thompson family is spread through out the United States, her children, and grandchildren want to wish her a very happy birthday! Below of some loving words for Zonelle on her Birthday!

“Mimi, I will always cherish the time I’ve spent with you. Your wisdom, your honesty, your virtues are not to be forgotten. You have taught me so many lessons without using words. Watching you as I have grown up, I have seen Gods undeniable calling and anointing upon your life. I admire your obedience an passion to grow in our Lord to give up your human dreams for heavens dreams.. I thank you for being a mighty example to me an I love you more than I can describe.” –Cody Boy

“Mimi I love you so much words cannot describe how meaningful you are too me, you have made such a big impact on my life” -Corey

“Mimi I love your style you are a great grandmother happy birthday” -Maddie

“Mimi you are a amazing woman and someone I want to be like when I’m older thank you for always being there for me and giving me Godly advice. Love you!! “-Carissa

“Mom, you have been such a incredible mother, I couldn’t have handpicked a better one! I appreciate everything you have done for our family. Thank you for always being there for any of us. I love you with all my heart. Happy Birthday!” -Dwinelle

“Today in this world we have Political leaders that give empty promises, Hollywood celebrities that run crooked charities on issues that hold no baring on human life. Mimi you have traveled to the ends of the earth to hold children dying of disease and malnutrition. You have build schools in India and Africa to educate the youth. Feed and clothed the homeless, and more importantly you have stood up strong and proclaimed to the world that Jesus Christ is the one true God. The example you have been not only with the wisdom you have spoke but how you live your life from the moment you wake to the second you fall asleep. I love you with all my heart and could not imagine a greater Grandmother in my wildest dreams!!!” -Chad

“You are a beautiful mother-n –law, grandmother and now great grandmother. We are all so blessed and thank you for all your love. Happy Birthday!” -Gina

“MOM, 3 powerful letters, If you turn them upside down it spells WOW!!!
An adjective, to strongly express about her kindness,thoughtfulness,beauty and love. That is my MOM.” – Love Your Son, Dwight jr

“Happy Birthday Mimi, we are so very blessed to have you as our grandmother. You have always strengthened us with your prayers and making sure that we trust God in all things. Thank you for being a true example of a Godly woman, blessed wife, loving mother and grandmother. It is amazing that she has so many grandchildren and has made us all feel loved in our own unique way without favoring one over the other. Mimi, you rock! I love you so bad.” – Austin

“Mimi, I am so blessed to know you. You truly are a warrior for God and I am honored to be your new granddaughter!” – Savannah

“Mimi, you are a wonderful example for your family and we all look up to you greatly. You show us how to live for the glory of The Lord and I thank you for that.” – Dalton

“Happy Birthday Mimi! You are such an inspiration in my life and I praise God for your strong love for Him. You are one strong women who loves the Lord and works hard to live out the calling on your life. Thank you for your obedience to Him. Through that, you have not only touch millions of lives through ministry, but have made a eternal impact on your family tree. Thank you for being a trust prayer warrior and never ceasing to pray for your family. You are such a beautiful person on the inside and out and your joy for the Lord radiates to ALL you come in contact with. Thank you for being such a blessing to so many lives. I pray you are blessed on this wonderful day!” -Alexa

“I was never able to meet my grandparents growing up and always wished I had that opportunity. Spending time with you and Dwight, I finally know what it feels like to have the love and joy of grandparents (you both are really hip grandparents). I love you so much and wish you an extraordinary for an extraordinary lady. I look forward to your visit to North Carolina. You have shown me more love than you will ever know. Happy Birthday Mimi.” -Jaco

“Zonelle, you are more beautiful than ever. I have never known any one who loves church and God more than you do. You are even going to church on your birthday. You have a true heart for the lost. Your life is true evidence of a Godly wife and women who has great compassion for souls. You love love going to church and I am thankful for you. Happy birthday my beautiful wife!” – Your Husband, Dwight

Happy Birthday Mimi! WE LOVE YOU.