Staying Right Side-Up in an Upside-Down World

Staying Right Side-Up in an Upside-Down World

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“Trust in the Lord your God with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5 (KJV)

Flying is a big part of my life. On my way back from a crusade, I was riding on a private plane flown by a man who had been converted to Christ during the crusade.

We hit a rare thunderstorm and for a period of time the plane did it’s own version of “rocking and rolling.” It was late at night and the lightening really put on a show. There were moments when I could not tell if we were upside down or right side up. It was refreshing to hear my pilot’s reassuring words. He said to me in a very calming voice. ” When flying in a storm, I trust my instruments to tell me to keep it steady where I have it…That’s what I have to trust.” I was glad he knew what he was doing and got us safely to Dallas. I certainly couldn’t have done it.

This problem of disorientation in a storm is a fairly common one that can happen to us all from time to time. When everything comes at us at once, we are overwhelmed, and our emotions play tricks on us. We need to trust our instruments…in such circumstances…more than ever! God says to us: “Buckle up, and trust Me, and I’ll take you safely through the storm.”

A friend of mine once told me a story I have never forgotten: A man he knew flew himself and some family members on a trip in a private airplane. They passed through a terrible rainstorm and the plane was tossed around so much that it suddenly flipped over and was flying upside down. Two of his instruments indicated to him that he was upside down, but he had become disoriented and, feeling right side up, he rejected what the instruments were showing.

In his last words radioed to the control tower, he said, “I’m going to climb up out of this.” But since he was actually upside down, instead of climbing out of the storm, he actually plunged the small craft to the earth, and everyone on board the plane died.

Life has a way of shaking you up so badly that you get disoriented and hardly know which end is up. The devil is a master at confusing things. It’s time to climb higher, closer to God, where this is safety…but be careful, Follow your instruments…Don’t trust your own sense.

Listen for God’s voice, He’s the one true gage in everything you do, and everywhere you go. He’s the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 (The Message) 

Satan will try to make you think you’re all right when you’re not. He’ll try to make you trust someone else rather than trusting God. “With all your heart, you must trust in God, and not your own judgment.” Proverbs 3:5 (Contemporary English Version) 

He knows that the moment you trust your feelings and your own ingenuity and talents and think that you don’t need God, you’ll crash and burn. Trust God’s plan for your life….Lean on Him…Acknowledge Him…Put Him first…Please Him in all things. If you do this, you will find happiness and prosperity, and you will begin to enjoy this journey called life.

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