An Unbeatable Courage

An Unbeatable Courage

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An Unbeatable Courage

Few qualities are greater than courage. Andrew Jackson said: “One man with courage makes a majority.”

The infallible Word of God says it this way:

If God is for us, who can be against us.

(Rom. 8:31)

Theodore Roosevelt said, “It is impossible to win the great prizes of life without courage.”

General Omar Bradley put it clearly with these words during the most horrible war in our history, where over 40 million people died. He said, “Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.”

I am convinced the attack on 9-11-01 brought out the worst and the best of us all. However, what the enemy of our nation did not count on was, when the dust settled and our tears wiped away, that our faith in God took over producing supernatural courage.

As individuals, we know not what we will face in our personal or our professional lives. Whatever crisis we may face, remember: Crisis

introduces us to the real you. We find out what we really are.

So let me remind you who you really are.

Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come shall be able to separate you from the love of God; which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

(Rom. 8:38-39)

One of my favorite old songs says: “I don’t know about tomorrow, but I know who holds my hand.”